Conference Programs & Information

Free Social Program

1. Monday, September 13, 2004 (Evening): Reception of the DCABES 2004
Begin: 18.00, Location: Green Wave Hotel

2. Tuesday, September 14, 2004 (Evening) Sightseeing in Hankou River Side Park
Begin: 19.00----Return: 21:30, Location: Hankou Riverside Park

3. Wednesday, September 15, 2004 (Evening) Early Fall Evening Party
Begin: 19.00----Close: 21.00, Location: Green Wave Hotel

4. Thursday, September 16, 2004 Sightseeing in Yellow Crane Tower
Begin: 8.30----Return 12.00, Location: Yellow Crane Tower

Sunday, September 12, 2004

8.00 ---20.00 Registration
Registration Desk at Green Wave Hotel, the East Lake Resort

Monday, September 13, 2004

8.30 Plenary Session (No.1 Meeting Room, Chair: Guo Qingping)
8.30 Opening Addresss
Prof. Zhou Zude, Honorary Chair of the DCABES 2004, President of the WUT
8.35 Congratulation of the NSFC
Ms. Xu Lin, Dean of Computer Science Department, NFSC
8.40 Keynote Speaker: Professor Simon J Cox, University of Southampton
The Grid: Good, Bad, and Ugly
Abstract: The Grid aims to tackle the difficult problem of seamless and secure distributed resource sharing. In this talk I will introduce and discuss the Grid from a range of perspectives. What progress has been made in developing and using the Grid to date? What issues remain unresolved? These views will be illustrated by drawing on a range of application examples where the Grid is being exploited in business, science and engineering. Whilst considerable challenges lie ahead as increasingly complex functionality is built from simple services, tackling them will open up unprecedented opportunities for computational science and engineering in the future.
9.20 Dr Simon See, Global Science and Technology Center, Sun Microsystems, Inc, Singapore
High Performance and Grid Computing Where Are We Going? (7)
Abstract: Over the last decades, high performance computing and internet has transformed the way science research, engineering and business is being conducted. We have seen the tremendous growth of computer technology both in hardware and software to address our needs. In this paper, the author attempted to walk through some of the work

10.00 Tea / Coffee Break

10. 20 Parallel Sessions:
Parallel Session 1. Grid Computing (No.1 Meeting Room, Chair: Dr. C.-H. Lai)
10.20 Fansong Meng, Zude Zhou, Quan Liu (29)
Researches of Key Technologies for Data Grid
10.40 Arshad Ali, Ashiq Anjum, Atif Mehmood, et al (13)
A Taxonomy and Survey of Grid Resource Planning and Reservation Systems for Grid Enabled Analysis Environment
11.00 Li Chunlin, Lu Zhengding, Li Layuan (75)
Economic Mechanism Driven Resource Management in Computational Grid
11.20 Shengjun Li, Ruimin Shen, Robert Lackman (34)
Global Grid Queue Services Architecture and Point-based Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Resource Scheduling
11.40 Yu Huashan, Xu Zhuoqun, Ding Wenkui (23)
Reusing Legacy Applications for Grid Computing

Parallel Session 2. System Architectures, Networking and Protocols (No.3 Meeting Room, Chair: Professor Simon J Cox,)
10.20 Jo-Yew Tham; Seng-Luan Lee; Choon-Ee Tan, Roger; et al (94)
A Distributed Peer-to-Peer Platform for Synchronized Group Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
10.40 Yi Yang, Mingcui Cao, Ping Huang (120)
Packet Transfer Delay of the RPR Rings in Comparison between the Store-and-Forward and Cut-Through Architecture
11.00 Xihuang Zhang, Wenbo Xu (107)
Implementations of CGI in Embedded Web Server
11.20 Ou Zhonghong, Dai Xingfa, Yuan Youguang, et al (124)
A Kind of Generic Real-time Dependable Server Architecture with Low Fault-latency Using COTS Components
11.40 Chen Xunxun, Fang Binxing, Li Lei (100)
The Splitting Methods in High-speed Networks Data Analysis

Parallel Session 3. Mobile Computing (No.4 Meeting Room, Chair: Mr. Thomas Tsui)
10.20 Min Peng, Yanxiang He, Wensheng Hu (258)
Some Strategies in the Distributed and Mobile GPS System
10.40 Yang Yongjian, Chen Yajun, Cao Xiaodong, et al (263)
Efficient and Adaptive Load Balancing Based on Mobile Agent
11.00 Peng Dewei, He Yanxiang (268)
A Mobile Agent Based Middleware for Grid Computing
11.20 Zhao GuangHui, Song Huazhu, Xia HongXia, et al (278)
Comparison of Missing Data Estimation Methods in Satellite Information for Scientific Exploration
11.40 Liu Quan, Liang Xiaoyu, Li Fangmin (286)
A Core-Stateless Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Mechanism Based on Resource Reservation

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00 Parallel Sessions:
Parallel Session 1. Grid Computing (No.1 Meeting Room, Chair: Dr. C.-H. Lai)
13.20 Zhao Jianmin, Zhu Xinzhong (37)
The Application of Grid in Grid Services
13.40 A Cheng Yuanbin (40)
Software Bus based on the Grid Computing
14.00 Jing Tong, Haochun Liu (43)
Developing Grid Computing Applications Based on OGSA
14.20 Guoyou Zhang, Yinzhang Guo (48)
Research on the Architecture-based Adaptive Grid Application
14.40 Hao Tian, Zhou Zude, Liu Quan (51)
Grid Computing Resource Management Scheduler Based on Genetic Algorithm
15.0 Lin Jin, Wang Meiqing, Jiang Xiufeng (63)
HACP: An Ant-Based Partitioner for Grid Computing Applications

Parallel Session 2. System Architectures, Networking and Protocols (No.3 Meeting Room, Chair: Dr Simon See,)
13.20 Yong Feng, Yanyuan Zhang (80)
A Taxonomy of Data Location Themes for Storage Cluster and Storage Grid
13.40 Yun Wu (90)
The Application of Simulation in Large Scale Traffic Flows System Based on Grid Computing
14.00 Quan Long, Quan Liu (86)
Research on the Data Grid Griddaen Architecture Based on Grid Middleware
14.20 Tingxin Song, Cheng Wang, Jianmin Xiong, et al (59)
Implementing Distributed Simulations in Grid Computing Environments
14.40 Wang Xiaogen, Xu Wenbo
A Layered Distribute Resource Discovery Model in Grid Computing System
15.00 Yi Yue, Debao Xiao (104)
Design and Implementation of Policy-based Network Management Based on SNMPv3

Parallel Session 3 Distributed Operating System (No.4 Meeting Room, Chair: Prof. Xu Wenbo)
13.20 Wingcheong Kwong (418)
A New Simulation Method Using Multithreading for Modeling Parallel Operated Systems
13.40 Xiuchuan Wu, Hao Li, Jiubin Ju (424)
The Design and Implementation of a Multi-Auctioneer Prototype System for Grid Resource Management
14.00 Wenbo Xu, Jun Sun (435)
Efficient Scheduling of Task Graphs to Multiprocessors Using a Simulated Annealing Algorithm
14.20 Li Zhonghua, Li Weihua, Zhang Lin (430)
Research on Resilient Distributed File Systems
14.40 Zhang Jianhua, Cong Yue (440)
Priority Assignment Strategy of Multiple Priority Queues
15.00 Tang We (443)
Design and Implement to Load Balancing to the Application Server Cluster

15.00-15.15 Tea / Coffee Break

Parallel Session 1. System Architectures, Networking and Protocols (No.1 Meeting Room, Chair: Professor Simon J Cox,)
15.15 Beihong Jin, Jianchao Wang (110)
Modeling Distributed Systems: Architecture and Process
15.35 Zhou Xiaofeng, Wang Zhijian, Fei Yukui (116)
Opening Component Integration Architecture
15.55 Yue Hu, Fangmin Li, Quan Liu (128)
Hardened VPN Based on IXP425
16.15 Wang Xiaoyan, Zheng Mingchun (135)
A Scalable Approach for IP-Multicast in Differentiated Services Networks
16.40 Feng Ping, Lei Yanjing, Liu Junrui (149)
Implementing Synchronous Multicasting in Switch-Based Cluster Systems
17.00 Cheng Chuanhui, Li Layuan, Xiang Yang (154)
A Study of Personalized Network Based on Multi-Layer Packet Classification and ACL
17.20 Yan Bin, Yang Zijie (157)
A Hierarchical System Management Approach Based on SNMP for Network Device

Parallel Session 2. E-Business (No.3 Meeting Room, Chair: Prof. Liu Quan)
15.15 Rong Lan, Shouqi Zheng (601)
Commercial Bank Credit Risk Real-Time Value-at-Risk Computing System
15.35 Wu Cen, Lin Zuoquan, Zhao Xinyu, et al (605)
Contract-based Interlayer: a Two-way Approach to Integrate Call Center
with J2EE Framework
15.55 Zude Zhou, Zhiyang Wang, Quan Liu (614)
The Study on Exchange Platform of Network Manufacturing Products Based on
Digital Watermarking Techniques and Fair Exchange Protocol
16.15 Luo Zhong, Qiwei Tong, Bin Fan, et al (619)
Data Mining System Based on Web Services for E-commerce: Architectonics and Algorithm
16.40 Zhou Ying, Liu Quan (627)
An XML Web Service Application Architecture Based on Microsoft BizTalk Server
17.00 Zhao Yiming (630)
A Model of the 3D Virtual Shopping that Has the Intelligent and Cooperative Purchasing Functionalities
17.20 Chen Caixian, Ran Chunyu (639)
ebXML: the Global Standard for Electronic Business

Parallel Session 3. E-Education (No.4 Meeting Room, Chair: Professor Xu Wnbo)
15.15 Wang Jing (647)
The Realization of CAI on Campus Net
15.35 Zhang Xiaoming, Zhu Jinjun, Wang Jingyang, et al (654)
Java Based Distributed Learning Platform
15.55 Rui Hao, Chunyu Ran, Qi Shen (658)
A Distributed Remote Education System Based on CSCW
16.15 Kaiyan Wang, Guzi Huang (664)
Research and Design of Collaborative Learning System
16.40 Zhang Xuemei, Zhang Xiaoming, Zhu Jinjun,.et al (667)
An Individual E-education System Based on Data Mining
17.00 Ran Chunyu, Bai Lin, Hao Rui (669)
The WSE and its Application on the Encryption in the Remote Education System
17.20 Zeng Qingheng, Hu Ruimin
Study on Focus in a SIP-based E-learning System

18.00 Reception (Banquet)

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

8.30 Plenary Session (No.1 Meeting Room, Chair: Dr. C.H. Lai)
8.30 Keynote Speaker: Prof. Peter K Jimack (305)
Parallel and Multilevel Algorithms for Computational Partial Differential Equations
ABSTRACT: The efficient and reliable solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) plays an essential role in a very large number of applications in business, engineering and science, ranging from the modelling of financial markets through to the prediction of complex fluid flows. This paper presents a discussion of alternative approaches to the fast solution of elliptic and parabolic PDEs based upon the use of parallel, adaptive and multilevel algorithms. Mesh adaptivity is essential to ensure that the solution is approximated to different local resolutions across the domain according to its local properties, whilst the multilevel algorithms ensure that the computational time to solve the resulting finite element equations is proportional to the number of unknowns. Applying these techniques efficiently on parallel computer architectures leads to significant practical problems. Difficulties addressed in this paper include how to handle the coarse grid operations efficiently in parallel and the dynamic load-balancing problem that arises when the finite element mesh is adapted.
9.10 Craig C. Douglas, Yalchin Efendiev (293)
A Dynamic Data-Driven Application Simulation Framework
ABSTRACT: We describe, devise, and augment dynamic data-driven application simulations (DDDAS). DDDAS offers interesting computational and mathematically unsolved problems, such as, how do you analyze a generalized PDE when you do not know either where or what the boundary conditions are at any given moment in the simulation in advance? Only classical analysis works (sort of), but Sobolev theory definitely is missing. A summary of DDDAS features and why this is a really neat new field will be included in the talk. Two examples, contaminant tracking and wildfire modeling, will be used to motivate DDDAS.
9.35 C.-H. Lai, A. J. Davies (301)
On a Distributed Algorithm for the Solution of Nonlinear Transient Parabolic Problems
10.00 Qingping Guo, C.-H. Lai (298)
A Hybrid Method for the Update of Sub-domain Interfaces

10.20 Tea / Coffee Break

10.35 Parallel Sessions
Parallel Session 1. Parallel / Distributed Algorithms (No. 1 Meeting Room; Chair: Prof. Craig C. Douglas)
10.35 Haiwu He, Guy Bergere, Serge Petiton (311)
A Parallel Asynchronous Hybrid Method to Accelerate Convergence of a Linear System
10.55 Wang Jian, Chi Xuebin (317)
Design and Verification of Parallel Programs
11.15 Gu Zhimin, Marta Kwiatkowska (326)
Distributed Cluster-based Solution Techniques for Dense Linear Equations
11.35 Leng Jinsong, Huang Tingzhu (323)
Algorithm of Decomposition and Reconstruction with Orthogonal Multiwavelet Packets with Random Scale
11.55 Ran Ruisheng, Huang Tingzhu (339)
Algorithm for Solving the Symmetric Five-Diagonal Toeplitz Linear Equations

Parallel Session 2. System Architectures, Networking and Protocols (No. 3 Meeting Room; Chair: Prof. Liansheng Tan)
10.35 Cheng Chuanqing (161)
VLAN Aggregation Technology Research and Implementation
10.55 He Peng, Xu Yishan, Tao Ke, et al (165)
Study and Application on Time Synchronization Technique in Computer Network
11.15 Liansheng Tan, Naixue Xiong, Yan Yang (202)
Data Transmission Rate Control in Computer Networks Using Neural Predictive Networks
11.35 Fan Yang, Xinzhong Zhu, Jianmin Zhao (170)
A Distributed Computing Platform ----BOINC
11.55 Sun Baolin, Li Layuan, Ma Jun (186)
A Multicast Routing Optimization Algorithm with Bandwidth and Delay Constraints Based on GA

Parallel Session 3. Computation Methods (No. 4 Meeting Room; Chair:Xu Wenbo)
10.35 Zhang Yaohong , Luo Xueshan, Luo Aiming, et al (407)
Component Based Simulation Environments of Distributed Discrete Event Simulation
10.55 Rafael Ramirez, Juanjo Martinez, Andrew E. Santosa (402)
Constraint-based Concurrency in Java
11.15 Fei Yuikui, Wang Zhijian (411)
An Approach of Component Tailoring Based-on Parameterized Contracts
11.35 Jiang Hongzhou, Li Juanjuan
On a Smart Software for Cement-Meal Batching Computation
11.55 Jun Sun, Wenbo Xu, Bin Feng
Finish Time Maximization Method: An Anti-Sequence Algorithm to Scheduling Task Graphs for Multiprocessors

12.15-13.0 Lunch

13.00 Parallel Sessions:
Parallel Session 1. Parallel / Distributed Algorithms (No. 1 Meeting Room; Chair: Prof. Peter K Jimack)
13.00 Leng Jinsong, Huang Tingzhu (323)
Algorithm of Decomposition and Reconstruction with Orthogonal Multiwavelet Packets with Random Scale
13.20 Dongjin Yuan (381)
A Class of Accelerated Convergence Algorithms for Solving Ordinary Differential Systems
13.40 Liu Futi, Huang Tingzhu, He huiming (350)
An Error Bound for the SAOR Method
14.00 Wanlong Liu, Yaolin Gu (354)
Analysis of Parallel Matrix Multiplication Algorithms
14.20 Fan Jianfeng, Zhong Luo, Tong Qiwei (362)
Genetic Searching for Optimized Closure State of CFST Arch Bridge Construction
14.40 Zhang Jianjian, Wang Pan (377)
Some Issues on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm
15.00 Zhang Jianhua, Jiang Qian
The Fuzzy Inference Based on Genetic Algorithm

Parallel Session 2. System Architectures, Networking and Protocols (No. 3 Meeting Room; Chair: Dr. Wang Pan)
13.00 Zheng Yuanjiu, Liu Quan, Li Fangmin (225)
Design and Implementation of an Embedded VPN Gateway Based on IPSec
13.20 Min LianYing, Yang JinYong (228)
Shortest-Path Routing Based on Ant-Algorithm
13.40 Liu Qing, Guo Jianming, Wang Yanwen (231)
Data Communication between Monitor computer and PLC Based on the Profibus
14.00 Jiang Minghua, Zhou Jingli (243)
Design and Performance Analysis of High Availability iSCSI Storage Area Network
14.20 Huifu Zhang, Fangmin Li. (247)
A High Performance Dynamic Memory Management Scheme
14.40 Zhu Yong, Zhang Jiangling (251)
The Performative Design of Distributed Storage Agents
15.00 Di Guoqiang (290)
Customer Relation Management System Based on Mobile Internet

Parallel Session 3. Neural Network Computing (No. 4 Meeting Room; Chair: Mr. Thomas Tsui)
13.00 Zou Chengming, Yang Hongyun , Tong Qiwei, et al (331)
Apply Neural Computation to Ground Waves Caused by High-Speed Trains
13.20 Luo Zhong, Qiong Jiang, Fei Huang, et al (765)
Research on NN and RKB Based Expert System of Resistance to Corrosion of Sulfate on Concrete
13.40 Xiong Shanqing, Pan Hao, Zhang Yingjiang (768)
A New Neural Network Models Based for Rule-Based Reasoning
14.00 Huiyuan Jiang, Jiang Li (771)
Study the Application of Neural Network in the Prediction of Regional Integrated Transport Structure
14.20 Zhang Xi, Pan Hao, Xiong Shanqing (774)
Using HTABP Algorithm to Determine Number of Hidden Units in NN
14.40 Zou Chengming, Tong Qiwei, Yang Hongyun, et al (777)
A Study on Neural Network Based on Contractive Mapping Genetic Algorithm
15.00 Li Bo, Chen Dingfang, Zhang Xiaochuan, et al (780)
Study on Logistics System Safety Based on Neural Network and Fuzzy Probability
15.20 Tea / Coffee Break

15.35 Parallel Sessions:
Parallel Session 1. Distributed Applications in Engineering (No. 1 Meeting Room; Chair: Prof. Peter K Jimack)
15.35 M. S. Lasater, C. T. Kelley, A. G. Salinger, et al (672)
Solution of the Wigner-Poisson Equations for RTDs
15.55 Deng Li, Suzuki Masabumi, Hagiwara Ichiro (677)
One New Method and Its Parallelization of Perturbation Expansion for Coupled System of Acoustic and Structure
16.15 Pan Feng, Cao Jianwen, Sun Jiachang (681)
Parallel Reservoir Integrated Simulation Platform for One Million Grid Blocks Case
16.35 Lou Yuansheng, Wang Zhizian, Ai Ping, et al (685)
The Study of Distributed Hydrologic Data Integration Based on CORBA
16.55 Wang Pan, Xu Chengzhi, Zhang Jianjian, et al (690)
Two Kinds of Novel Evolutionary Fuzzy Controllers - Control Algorithm Analysis
17.15 Jin Yongxian (700)
Codesign for Complex Hard Real-time Embedded Systems
17.35 Qin Juanying, Feng Xin, Wu Guoping ((705)
Development of a Distributed Embedded Remote Control Monitor System Based on CAN Bus

Parallel Session 2. Multi Agents (No. 3 Meeting Room; Dr. Ghim Hwee Ong)
15.35 Yang Yongjian, Cao Xiaodong, Chen Yajun (274)
Research on Prediction Model of Dynamic Load-Balancing with Mobile Agent in a Parallel Distributed System
15.55 Wang Jie , Shi Xingguo, Zhong Weijun (793)
Multiagent-Based Partner Selection of Dynamic Alliances in Inter-organizational Collaborative E-commerce
16.15 Qu Youtian, Xu Hong (798)
Agile Reconstruction Methods Based on Agent in Distributed Database
16.35 Yang Kaiying
The Applications of Multi-agent in an Expert System -AVDDT
16.55 Qian Wang, Debao Xiao (806)
Role-oriented Multi-agents Approach to Optimize for Grid Resource Allocation
17.15 Ruolin Ruan (810)
Study on Multi-agent Based Environment for Long-distance Collaborative Learning on Internet
17.35 Ding Shunli, Yuan Jingbo, Ju Jiubin (814)
A Heuristic Algorithm for Agent-based Task Scheduling in Grid Environments

Parallel Session 3. Distributed Database (No. 4 Meeting Room; Chair: Liu Hongxing)
15.35 Wu Jie, Liu Xiangsheng, Wu Wei (538)
Deadlock Detection and Resolution in a Dike Safety Detection Management Information System
15.55 XiongPing, ZhuTianqing, HuangTianshu (541)
Mining Fuzzy Associate Rules for Anomaly Detection
16.15 Guobao Yu, Husheng Liao, Yuming Zheng (545)
A Pocket Spatial Database Prototype and its Query Language
16.35 Chen Guoning, Li Taoshen, Liao Guoqiong (552)
A Multi-granularity Locking Protocol Based on Ordered Sharing Locks in Engineering Databases that Supports Cooperative Design
16.55 Jing Feng, Kong Yi, Chunhui Fan, et al
Research and Implementation of Distributed Data Dissemination
17.15 Liu Hongxing, Lu Yansheng (559)
A Multi-dimension Perspective to XML Databases Modeling
17.35 Xu Yong, Zhong Luo, Yang Ke
Construction and Maintenance of the Knowledge Base Used in GSIES-TOOL

18.00 Supper

19.00 Sightseeing in Hankou Riverside Park

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

8.30 Parallel Sessions
Parallel Session 1 Distributed Applications in Engineering (No.1 Meeting Room, Chair: Zhou Xiaofeng, Senior Engineer)
8.30 Qin Juanying, Feng Xin, Wu Guoping (705)
Development of a Distributed Embedded Remote Control Monitor System Based on CAN Bus
8.50 Wu Youyu, Yang Jufang, Xie Changjun (710)
Study on Distributed Control System of Fuel Cell Electrical Vehicle
9.10 Meng Hua, Yan Cuiying, Jia Huiren, et al (715)
Design of the Distributed Long Distance Water Supply Control System with Process Field Bus Technology
9.30 Tao Dexin, Cao Xiaohua, Mo Lili (719)
The Research and Application of Real-time Monitor System Based on CAN Bus Network
9.50 Chen Jing, Qu Weilian, Youlin (723)
Semi-active Logic Control Algorithm for MR Dampers Using Accelerations Feedback
10.10 Meigui Han, Jinglu Liu, Guangsheng Dongye (727)
Estimate Model of Delay in Autolever System and its Algorithm Design

Parallel Session 2. Distributed Database (No. 3 Meeting Room; Chair: Dr. Ghim Hwee Ong)
8.30 Xiao Hanbin, Mo Lili, Zeng Xiangfeng (584)
The Research of an Inventory Control Information System Based on the Internet
8.50 Xiong Guohai, Wan Junli (588)
The Warehouse Management System Based on the Distributed Database
9.10 Wu Wei, Wu Jie, Hu Peng (595)
Application of Distributed Database of Electric Power Management Information System
9.30 Xia Huosong (570)
Cooperation Agent Applications for MKA Based on Grid Computing
9.50 Wang Jingyang, Wang Jianxia, Zhang Xiaoming, et al
Create Distributed Application with Java RMI to Manipulate BLOBs
10.10 Li Fangmin, Xue Ligong, Wang Runyun, et al
A New Solution Scheme of NAT and IPSec Protocol Compatibility Problem Based on IP Tunnel

Parallel Session 3. Image Processing and Multimedia Applications (No. 4 Meeting Room; Chair: Dr. Bin Dai)
8.30 Bin Dai, Robert A. Lodder (819)
Parallel Hyperspectral Integrated Computational Imaging
8.50 Ghim Hwee Ong, Kai Yang (824)
A Binary Partitioning Approach to Image Compression Using Weighted Finite Automata for Large Images
9.10. Dan Liu, Dayong Zhang (828)
A Fractal Rotating Vector Algorithm of Radar Echo Image Plotting
9.30 Ni Tongguang, Gu Yaolin (831)
An Iterated Algorithm for Implicit Surfaces Rendering
9.50 Xinchen Zhang, Ruimin Hu, Deren Li, et al (834)
An Implementation of Quarter Pixel Block Motion Estimation Using SIMD

10.10 Tea / Coffee Break

10.25 Parallel Sessions
Parallel Session 1 Web-based Computing (No.1 Meeting Room, Chair: Dr. Ghim Hwee Ong)
10.25 Ghim Hwee Ong, Junping Ng. (460)
Exploring the Initial Structures of Dynamic Markov Modeling for Chinese Text Compression
10.45 Shen Yuan , Chen Wenbo , Yao Zhiqiang (464)
Research on Integration of Web Services and Workflow Modeling Technique
11.05 Ai Ping, Mao Yingchi (469)
A Trust Management Framework Suitable for Web Services Security
11.25 Xu Kun, Liao Husheng, Du Jinlian (478)
Metadata Catalog Service for Geographic Information Resource
11.45 Chen Xuhui, Tang Shancheng, Wang Yimin (488)
Semantic Web Enabled the Context Information in Ubiquitous Computing System

Parallel Session 2 Information and Network Security (No. 3 Meeting Room; Chair: Dr. Deng Li)
10.25 Xue Qingshui, Cao Zhenfu (947)
Security Analysis and Improvement of Some Threshold Proxy Signature Schemes
10.45 Xue Qingshui , Cao Zhenfu , Qian Haifeng (953)
Bilinear Pairings-based Threshold Proxy Signature Schemes with Known Signers
11.05 Gong Jian, Lu Sheng, Rui Suying (959)
A Load Balancing Algorithm for High Speed Intrusion Detection
11.25 Wang Tao, Guo Heqing, Yao Songtao (964)
A Measure and Design Method of Security Protocol
11.45 Huang Zhehuang Jiang Xiufeng,Wang Meiqing (971)
Implement Distributed Parallel Computing Based on EJB
Parallel Session 3. Image Processing and Multimedia Applications (No. 4 Meeting Room; Chair: Prof. Xu Dongping)
10.25 Lamei Yan, Xiaohong Zeng, M.Mat Deris (843)
Network Architecture for Real-Time Distributed Visualization and 3D Rendering
10.45 Liu Huikang, Li Juan, Wu Jin (846)
Image Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Maximum Entropy and Simulated Annealing Algorithm
11.05 Lu Feng, Ge Shun (850)
The Study of Image Modeling in the Digital City Based on Distributed Computation
11.25 Ge Hongwei, Xu Wenbo (854)
Grey-Level Image Processing with a Parallel-Distributed System Model
11.45 Xu Dongping, Qin Juan (943)
Approach on Visual Federation Member Relationship

12.05-1.00 Lunch

13.00 Parallel Sessions
Parallel Session 1 Web-based Computing (No.1 Meeting Room, Chair: Dr. Ghim Hwee Ong)
13.00 Caijun Xue, Hong Nie, Yanqin Dai.(493)
A Web-based Engineering Optimization System and Its Application
13.20 Li Liu, Wenbo Xu (497)
Research on the Model of Intelligent Meta-search Engine
13.40 Yu Jianghong, Fang Wei (508)
A Mediation-based Approach for Distributed Digital Library Services
14.00 Guo Yinzhang, Xie Liping, Xu Yubin, et al (501)
A Study of CORBA Multi Port ORB Architecture Based on Hierarchy Domain
14.20 Yiqing Kong, Bin Feng, Wenbo Xu, et al (505)
A Multi-purpose Web Information Publishing Framework
14:40 Shaozhen Ye, Huajun Han (516)
A Design and Implementation of Dynamic E-business System Based on WEB Services
15.00 Muhammad Adeel Talib, Yang Zongkai (524)
An Approach towards Automated Web Services Composition

Parallel Session 2 Information and Network Security (No. 3 Meeting Room; Chair: Dr. Deng Li)
13.00 Xu Feng, Li Dake, Huang Hao (976)
Stand Space Theory and its Application on SET Protocol
13.20 Wu Jin, Qiu Ya, Huang Honglin, et al (982)
Robust Hash Used In the Application of Digital Image Signature
13.40 Guo Zhiqiang, Jiang Xuemei, Liu Quan (
An Adaptive Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform
14.00 Wang Yong, Xiong Qianxing (990)
Research on an Agile Protocol for E-Commerce Security
14.20 Tian Junfeng , Ma Yankun (994)
Grid Security and Relevant Technology
14.40 Su Jindian, Guo Heqing, Yu Shanshan (998)
Security Design Model of E-Government Collaborative Platform
15.00 Zhu Dawei, Zhou Zude, Liu Quan (1002)
Study of Trust Model for Grid Security

Parallel Session 3. Image Processing and Multimedia Applications (No. 4 Meeting Room; Chair: Dr. Wang Meiqing)
13.00 Jia Jiong, Zhu Jianxin (864)
A Distributed Video Proxy System Based on Cache
13.20 Dong Xiaoming, Xie Changsheng (868)
The Building of Inexpensive Large-scale Storage System for Video Applications
13.40 Yaolin Gu, Zhe Cao (872)
A Distributed Volume Visualization Architecture on the Grid
14.00 Zheng Shijue, Ma Wei, Zhang Jiangling (876)
Analysis of Distributed Video-On-Demand System Based on Cluster
14.20 Wang Meiqing, Liu Rong (891)
Adaptive Partition and Hybrid Method in Fractal Video Compression
14.40 Distributed Virtual Reality Environments Based on VRML (884)
Fang Hua , Yaolin Gu
15.00 Ren Wei, Liu Da, Xie Ling (888)
A Method of Computing Fractal Dimension

15.20 Tea / Coffee Break

15.35 Parallel Sessions
Parallel Session 1 Image Processing and Multimedia Applications (No. 1 Meeting Room; Chair: Prof. Yaolin Gu)
15.35 Liu Guanrong, Zheng Yang, He Hua (897)
An Improved Fractal Image Compression Approach by Using Iterated Function System
and Genetic Algorithm
15.55 Cheng Hang, Shu Zhibiao, Fang Yan, et al (903)
Synchronization of Decompression and Display in Fractal Video Compression System
16.15 Xu Zhiwen, Guo Xiaoxin, Pang Yunjie, et al (907)
The Cache-Multicast Method of Proxy Cache for Streaming Media
16.35 Pan Wenhong, Zhang Jianhua (912)
The Application of Distributed Streaming Media Technology in CAI
16.55 Liu Zhi, Zhu Wei, Chen Shu (915)
A Parallel Image Processing System Based on DSP Arrays
17.15 Wang Xuehui, Zhang Lei (921)
Application of Parallel Distributed Technology in Simulation Engineering
17.35 Gui Yufeng, Tao Jianfeng (934)
The Recognition and Decomposition of Mixed Pixels in the Remotely Sensed Images
Based on Gray System Theory

Parallel Session 2 Information and Network Security (No. 3 Meeting Room; Chair: Dr. Jo-Yew Tham)
15.35 Li Xiaoxin, Guo Qingping, Zhang Feng (1045)
A General Dynamic Secret Sharing Algorithm in Distributed System
15.55 Wu Yufeng, Wu Quan, Li Fangmin (1006)
Research on Secure Gateway Based on Real-time Embedded Systems
16.15 Li Hongyan, Shuang H. Yang, Tan Liansheng (1010)
Data Encryption Algorithms for Internet-based Real-Time Systems
16.35 Fan Zuguang, Li Fangmin, Liu Quan (1015)
Research on Grid Security for OGSA
16.55 Yang Qiulin, Zhou Zude, Li Fangmin (1019)
Security Prototype Framework Design for Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA)
17.15 Ran Chunyu, Hu Hengying, Chen Caixian (1023)
The Design and Implement of a Distance Education System Based on Improved MVC Pattern
17.35 Wu Jin, Xia Beibei, Liu Jian, et al (1035)
A Robust Approach to Authentication of Binary Image for Multimedia Communication

Parallel Session 3. Computation Theory and Image Processing (No. 4 Meeting Room; Chair: Dr. Wang Meiqing)
15.35 Chuanwen Liu, Xinming Tan (1077)
Type Checking for Software System Specifications in Real-Time Process Algebra
Chuanwen Liu, Xinming Tan
15.55 Huie Chen, Congxin Liu, Weilu Zeng, et al (880)
The Investigation to Distributed Supervision System Based on GPRS
16.15 Wang Xuehui, Zhang Lei (926)
Application of Parallel Distributed Technology in Simulation Engineering
16.35 Zheng Guang, Kong Meijing, Fu Dong, et al (931)
Intelligent Grading Based on Image Recognition
16.55 Jian Mao, Yaolin Gu (937)
A Distributed Tracking System for Indoor Augmented Reality Applications
17.15 Xu Huazhong, Wang Pan, Xu Chengzhi, et al (1066)
Empirical Studies for Two Evolutionary Fuzzy Controllers
17.35 Xiao Xinping, Tang Weiqing (1074)
Generating Algorithm of IAGO Generating Space

18.00 Supper

19.00 Early Fall Evening Party
Begin: 19.00----Close: 21.00, Location: Green Wave Hotel

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Sightseeing in Yellow Crane Tower
Begin: 8.30----Return 12.00, Location: Yellow Crane Tower


2004 "电子商务、工程及科学领域的分布式计算和应用" 国际学术研讨会