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Call For Paper
The sixth International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business,Engineering and Sciences (DCABES2007)will be held on 14-17 August 2007 in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze river, Yichang, Hubei, China. As in previous conferences, DCABES intends to bring together researchers and developers in the academic field and industry from around the world to share their research experience and to explore research collaboration in the areas of distributed parallel processing and applications.
Proceedings of the DCABES has been indexed by the ISTP of ISI since 2001.The selected papers have been published in special issues of international journals. DCABES2005 was held in the University of Greenwich, U.K., and some of the excellent papers have been included in special issue of International Journal of Computer Mathematics (IJCM, SCI source journal). This series of meetings has gotten its good reputation in distributed computing, for comprehensively presenting the state-of-the-art research results. The DCABES 2007 proceedings will be indexed by the ISTP of ISI as usually, and the EI (pending).
You are invited to submit an extended abstract/full paper in 4~5 pages, and/or a proposal to organize a technical session. All accepted abstracts should be extended by the authors to a full paper (5 pages or less), which will be published as a book of proceedings (with ISBN) to be distributed at the conference. Select papers of the DCABES 2007 proceedings will be published by IJCM (SCI source journal) and Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology (JACT) with free of charge soon after the Symposium.
We welcome submissions on all facets
of distributed parallel processing and applications. Topics include, but
not limited to the following:
Distributed/Parallel applications
- Computational methods in science and
- Computational finance.
- E-engineering and e-science applications.
- E-commerce applications.
- E-education applications.
- Distributed agents.
- Distributed multimedia.
- Distributed databases.
Distributed/Parallel algorithms
- Numerical parallel algorithms.
- Non numerical parallel algorithms.
- Algorithms exploiting distributed computing
- Performance assessment with computation/communication
complex analysis.
- Distributed/parallel algorithms in image
and vision processing.
- geometric modelling, and fractals.
- Compression and decompression for multimedia
Grid Computing
- Infrastructure of Grid Computing.
- Grid computing platforms and tools.
- Grid Software and Middleware.
- Grid computing applications.
- New technologies and developments in
computer networking
System Architectures
- Real-time embedded systems for business,
engineering, and sciences.
- Distributed information systems for
business, engineering, and sciences.
- Web resources management and system
design for e-science and e-engineering.
- Web performance analysis for business,
engineering and sciences.
Software tools and environments
for distributed or parallel platform
- Use of MPI, PVM, Java Platforms for
web-based simulation and computing.
- Tools and platforms for E-education.
- Tools and platforms for E-business.
- Web browser and search engine design
- Mobile agents and computing.
Important Dates
Due to requirements of many authors the paper submission deadline of the DCABES 2007 has been postponed to the 8th May 2007. Others relative important dates alos are changed.
Submission due: 8th May 2007
Notification of Acceptance: 30th May 2007
Camera-Ready due: 30st June 2007
Early Registration Time: Before 15th June 2007
Last Registration time: Before 30st June 2007
Non Author Registration Time: Any Time Before 17th August 2007