Submission due:
8th May 2007
Notification of Acceptance:
30th May 2007
Camera-Ready due:
30st June 2007
Early Registration Time:
Before 15th June 2007
Last Registration time:
Before 30st June 2007
Non Author Registration Time:
Any Time Before 17th August 2007
You are welcome to DCABES 2007 International Symposium (14 ~17 August 2007) held in Three Gorges Project Hotel (三峡工程大酒店), YICHANG, HUBEI, in the famous Three Gorges resort of China.
Please register before June 15th 2007 to ensure that your paper will be included in this conference Proceedings and get a special discount for the registration. Below there are registration fee and account information.
Registration fee:
1. For people outside the mainland of China: 380 USD (earlier, registration); 480 USD (later registration)
2. For people inside the mainland China: 2400 RMB (earlier, registration); 3500 RMB (later registration)
3. For Full time post graduate student: 2200 RMB or 350 USD(earlier, registration); 3500 RMB or 480 USD(later registration)
4. For Full time undergraduate student: 1500 RMB or 200 USD (earlier, registration); 3500 RMB or 480 USD (later registration)
5. For attendee without paper publication: 1200 RMB or 160 USD
Note: The little difference between the first and second item is that the NSFC may give some support to DCABES 2007, which could cover the difference for mainland Chinese.
Payment method
Bank Transfer
For people do not using RMB:
Wire transfer from your bank directly to the account below. Please post a copy of the remittance statement issued by your bank to us. All the remittance charges must be paid by applicants.
Via From Bank Name: Chase Manhattan Bank The New York NY
Swift Code: CHASUS33
Account No.: 0011165149
To Bank Name: The Industrial N Commercial Bank of China, Hubei Branch
Account No: 3202006709000475962
Payee: DCABES 2007
Bank Address: Hong Shan Sub-Branch, Hubei Branch, The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Hong Shan, Wuhan, China, 430000 Tel: 027-86554639; 13871517571
Sender To Receiver Information: DCABES2007 Conference Registration Fee
For people using RMB:
Please transfer your registration fee to the account:
Account Holder's Name (账户名): 武汉理工大学
Bank Name (开户行): 中行理工大支行
Account No.(账号): 846719-01604308095001
Account Holder's Name (账户名): 武汉理工大学
Bank Name (开户行): 工行长江二桥支行 (行号: 825336)
Account No.(账号): 320200-620-9000019404
Other places in the country :
Account Holder's Name (账户名): 武汉理工大学
Bank Name (开户行): 工行凯旋门支行 (行号: 825336)
Account No.(账号): 320200-620-9000019404
We prefer you transfer the registration fee to the conference accounts through bank, not by post office. In fact the former is fast and efficient than later one. Please send an e-mail to conference organizer if there are some things not clear.
Bank Draft or Post Office Draft
Bank Draft or Post Office Draft
should be made payable to "DCABES 2007". Personal checks or company checks will not be accepted. Please specify your name and DCABES 2007 on the Bank Draft or Post Office Draft before sending it to the address as follows:
Guo Qingping
Prof. of Computer Science & Technology
Department of Computer Science
School of Computer Science & Technology
The Wuhan University of Technology
Yu Jia Tou Campus
Yu Jia Tou, Wuhan
Post Code 430063
Tel: +86 (0)27- 13871517571 (GMS Mobile)
Tel: +86 (0)27- 86554639
Fax: +86 (0)27- 86554639
Email 1:
Email 2:
NOTE : All bank charges for remittance must be paid by applicants.
The registration fee includes a hard copy of DCABES 2007 Proceedings, welcome banquet on the conference opening day, a sightseeing trip to Three Gorges Dam and related resorts, coffee/tea breaks, and access to all professional and social activities of the DCABES2007. Extra banquet tickets and proceedings can be bought at our conference site.
Students must submit a proof of full time student status to get a discount.
Please remember to specify the registrant' name, paper reference number and DCABES 2007 on all payments.
If you have a paper accepted, please register before June 15, 2007 in order to get registration fee discount, and before June 30, 2007 to guarantee your paper to be included in the conference proceedings.
For each person at most only two papers could be accepted while she/he is the first author of the papers. The number of accepted papers is not limited for non first authors.
The registration fee of each accepted paper should be fully paid.
Cancellation& Refunds
If you have already registered and find that you are unable to attend the Conference, you must notify the DCABES 2007 Coordinator, in writing, of your request for a refund before June 30, 2007. A $100 processing fee will be charged on all refunds. Note, in case of conference cancellation for reasons beyond the control of DCABES 2007 organizers, the liability of the DCABES 2007 organization is strictly limited to the fees already paid by the registrants.
Download Copy Right Form here as a Word Document.