Paper Submission

Instructions for paper submission/reviewing:

CPS paper format is available now by click here Paper format(this file contains format for word, pdf, LaTeX, and a specification about paper format). Since the DCABES 2017 Proceedings will be published by the CPS, please reformat your paper according to the CPS paper format template.

You can submit and/or review paper with the EasyChair, click here to make a new submission and/or reviewing for DCABES 2017.(Before using the EasyChair, you may need download the paper submission/reviewing instructions

Final Paper Submissions Requirement from CPS
PLEASE NOTE: We now accept only CPS XploreTM-compliant PDF files for final paper submissions. Please stress to authors the importance of distilling their PDF files to meet CPS PDF specifications.

Our online author kits now include instructions for authors to access and use the CPS PDF eXpressTM online file conversion/PDF validation system. PDF eXpressTM helps authors convert their papers into CPS XploreTM-compatible PDF files (conversion function) or to check their own PDF files for CPS XploreTM compatibility (PDF validation function). There is no additional charge to use the PDF eXpressTM system for conferences publishing through CPS.

At a minimum, basic PDF distiller settings MUST be changed so PDF files are: optimized, set to Acrobat 4.0 compatibility, all graphics are set to at least 300 dpi resolution, ALL fonts are embeddable, POSTSCRIPT fonts, ALL fonts must be embedded and subset, postscript settings SHOULD NOT override distiller settings and page size is 612.0 x 792.0 points (8.5" x 11"). Authors should check their final PDF files before submission to verify that all fonts have been properly embedded and subset. Some font manufacturers now flag their fonts to not embed. These fonts should be avoided.

An Adobe Acrobat Distiller JobOptions file set up to meet these minimum CPS PDF specifications is available upon request. You may also adjust this JobOptions file to produce higher resolution graphics if so desired.

The complete CPS PDF specification document can be found at:

If you don't want to use the EasyChair for submission, you also can send your paper to DCABES 2012 by email directly,The information is as follows: Please send an email to the following email addresses (In addition, the body of the email should contain a completed Paper/Author Information, the format of which can be downloaded by clicking the Paper/Author Information here ):

Prof. Guo Qingping
Email :

Mr. Guo Yucheng
Email :